Contact Details
T: + 66 2 264 8000
F: +66 2 657 2222
Weerawong Chittmittrapap is widely recognized as one of
Thailand's most experienced lawyers in banking and finance, capital markets, corporate governance,
mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and insolvency, and public-private partnerships for the
development of major infrastructure projects in Thailand. Weerawong is renowned for advising clients
on strategic transactions, including some of the largest mergers and acquisitions in Southeast Asia
to date. He is recognized as a Senior Statesman in the legal profession by Chambers and Partners and
Asialaw, a Market Leader by IFLR1000 and is a member of The Legal 500 Hall of Fame. Weerawong is the author of The Roles, Duties and Responsibilities of the
Directors of Listed Companies (Stock Exchange of Thailand 1997) and The Roles and Liabilities of the
Directors of Financial Institutions (Bank of Thailand in 2002). In 2004, when the Securities and
Exchange Commission published its own book on Directors’ Roles and Liabilities, Weerawong was
appointed a member of its reading committee. Based on the recommendation of the Securities and
Exchange Commission, Weerawong was retained by the World Bank to assist in its preparation of the
Corporate Governance Country Assessment of the Kingdom of Thailand (September 2005). He has been the
instructor of the Directors Roles and Liabilities course for the Thai Institute of Directors since
its establishment in 2001. Past Positions 2001 - 2023
Director Berli Jucker Public Company Limited 2011 - 2023 Director and
Chairman of Nomination and Remuneration Committee Fraser Centrepoint
Limited (listed company in Singapore) Bangkok Dusit Medical
Services Public Company Limited 2018 - 2023 Director and Corporate Governance Committee
Asset World Corp Public Company Limited 2016 - 2023 Director
Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited 2015 - 2023 Director and
Member of Audit Committee 2014 - 2023 Director and Member of Nomination and Remuneration
Committee Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited 2009 - 2017 Director
and Chairman of Audit Committee Thai Airways Public
Company Limited 2008 -
2017 Director National Power Supply
Public Company Limited 2006 - 2013 Director and Member of Audit
Committee GMM Grammy Public Company Limited 2010 - 2012
Director Minor International Public Company Limited 2013 - 2014 Director
and Chairman of Audit Committee Golden Land Property
Development Public Company Limited 2013 - 2014 Director Fraser and Neave, Limited (listed company in
Singapore) 2011 - 2020 Director and
Chairman of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Siam Commercial Life Assurance Public Company
Limited Selected
Experience Laws, Regulations and Policies Entrusted by the
Governmentof Thailand, State Enterprise Policy Office (SEPO), Ministry of Finance inthe
drafting of the new Public Private Partnership Act B.E. 2562 (2019),governing the development of all
infrastructure in Thailand. The new lawenables investment in various new infrastructure projects,
such as rail,airport, port, road and digital technology. The law came into force in March2019.
Entrusted by the
Governmentof Thailand, Office of the Eastern Economic Corridor of Thailand (EEC)in the
drafting of the law governing PPPs in the EEC area, subordinateregulations and the subsequent
guidelines regarding the PPP mechanism andprojects in the EEC area. These laws and regulations are
the pilot laws for thePPP framework for Thailand, as well as the complete framework beginning
withpreparation and instigation of PPP projects by each government agency, all theway to signing and
the completion of a PPP project. Entrusted by the
Governmentof Thailand, State Enterprise Policy Office (SEPO), Ministry of Finance onthe
drafting of sub-regulations and guidelines under the Private Investment inState Undertaking Act
B.E.2556 (2013) for PPP in joint investments with stateagencies. This includes advice on policy and
procedures for the bidding processand other PPP related issues. (2015-2016) Entrusted
by the AsianDevelopment Bank on the implementation of Integrity Pacts, agreementsbetween
government agencies and bidding companies to abstain from corruptpractices in public procurement.
(2015-2016) Entrusted by the Port
Authority of Thailand (PAT)as an advisor to assist in the reorganization of its legal
department and legalprocedures. The firm’s work focused on proposing a reorganization of
thedepartment, manual and procedures, including guidelines for amending the PortAuthority of
Thailand Act, B.E. 2494 (1951) in order to achieve the vision ofthe PAT to regulate, govern and
operate world class ports with excellentlogistics services for sustainable growth by
2030. Advised Governmentof
Thailand, State Enterprise Policy Office (SEPO), Ministry of Finance oninternational best
practices in policy and procedures for public-privatecontracts. (2015) Infrastructure Projects, Public Private Partnership Contracts and Concession
Contracts Representation of the Government ofThailand, Office of the Eastern Economic
Corridor (EEC) in thepublic private partnership (PPP) agreement to develop the Laem
Chabang PortPhase 3 Terminal F, for a period of 35 years. This port is designed to servicethe
transport of goods between Thailand and ASEAN countries. GPC InternationalTerminal Company Limited
(“GPC”), a joint venture company in which Gulf EnergyDevelopment Public Company Limited holds equity
interest of 40% with PTT TankTerminal Company Limited and CHEC OVERSEA INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDING PTE.
LTD.holding equity interests of 30% and 30%, respectively, has entered into a PPPcontract with the
Port Authority of Thailand to develop and operate the LaemChabang Port Phase 3, Terminal F project,
which is located in Tungsuklasubdistrict, Sriracha district, Chonburi province, with GPC’s
investment costof THB 30,871 million (USD 926 million). Thisproject
is the largest size PPP port project in terms of value. It serves toenhance the capacity of the
world-class port for the future increasinginternational sea freight and to develop this port to be
the hub of theIndochina sub-region and gateway for the greater Mekong sub-region.
Theagreement was signed on 25 November 2021. Representation of the
Government of Thailand, Office of theEastern Economic Corridor, in the U-Tapao Airport and
Eastern AviationDevelopment Project joint investment agreement for the development ofU-Tapao
Airport and Eastern Aviation City. The new airport is part ofthe Ministry of Transport development
plan to create Thailand’s Eastern AirportCity and regional aviation hub. The private sector company
that receivedthe concession is the BBS Joint Venture (consisting of Bangkok Airways, BTSGroup
Holdings and Sino-Thai Engineering and Construction). The agreement wassigned at Government House on
19 June 2020 and witnessed by Prime MinisterPrayut Chan-o-cha. The project has an investment value
of nearly THB 300,000million (USD 10 billion). (Closed) Representation of the
Government of Thailand, Officeof the Eastern Economic Corridor in the public-private
partnership (PPP)agreement to develop the THB 220,000 million (USD 7.2 billion) high-speedrail
project linking Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang and U-Tapao airports,including negotiating and leading
the drafting of the concession agreement, aswell as presenting key concession agreement terms to the
EEC Policy Committeechaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. The high-speed rail link is
thebiggest PPP concession project in Thailand and the first concession granted ona high-speed train
project. The main private sector project operators includeCharoen Pokphand Group (CP), Italian-Thai
Development Public Company Limited(ITD), China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC), CH.
KarnchangPublic Company Limited (CK) and Bangkok Express and Metro Public CompanyLimited (BEM). The
agreement was signed at Government House on 24 October 2019. Representation of the
Government of Thailand, Officeof the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) in the
public private partnership (PPP)agreement signed by the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand and
Gulf MTPLNG Terminal for the Third Phase of the Map Ta Phut Port Projectvalued at THB 55.4
billion (USD 1.8 billion). The Third Phase of the Map TaPhut Port Project is an infrastructure
project for the petroleum industry andis designed to facilitate the annual shipment of 19 million
tonnes of naturalgas and liquid cargo. The Gulf MTP LNG Terminal is a joint venture between
GulfEnergy Development and PTT Tank Terminal. Weerawong C&P played a major rolein the deal,
including negotiating and leading the drafting of the concessionagreement, as well as presenting key
concession agreement terms to the EECPolicy Committee chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha.
The PPP agreementwas signed on 1 October 2019. Engaged bythe Government
of Thailand, Office of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) as an advisorfor
the THB 150 billion (USD 4.8 billion) Laem Chabang Deep Sea Port. This port is located at
astrategic location and is envisioned to service the transport of goods betweenThailand and other
ASEAN countries. The firm works closely with the EEC inreviewing the bidding documentation (such as
the business case and the requestfor proposals) and reviewing bidding submissions. The firm also
advises theworking team of the Port Authority of Thailand on the PPP framework. Representationof the Government of Thailand, Office of the Eastern
EconomicCorridor (EEC) and Thai Airways Public Company Limited inthe agreement
to develop the Thai-Airbus Maintenance Repair OverhaulCentre. The first of its kind, the
centre will be based in the U-TapaoInternational Airport to serve the maintenance requirements of
aircrafts. The project will be the largest maintenance,repair overhaul center in the ASEAN
region. THB 10.3 billion (USD 330 million) Representation of the Government ofThailand, Office of the Eastern Economic
Corridor (EEC) in theagreement to develop the Thailand Genome Sequencing Center
under theGenomics Thailand Master Plan. The project is one of the Thai government’sefforts to
enhance the country’s public health and medical industry and totransform Thailand into a regional
hub for medicine. THB 750 million (USD 24million) Representation
of NorthernBangkok Monorail Company Limited in relation to the PPP agreement forBangkok’s
Pink Line monorail with the Mass Rapid Transit Authority(MRTA) of Thailand. The joint venture
comprises BTS Group Holdings, Sino-ThaiEngineering & Construction Public Company Limited and
RatchaburiElectricity Generating Holding Public Company Limited. This infrastructureproject is the
first monorail in Thailand. It is also the first PPP model forthe development of a mass transit
system involving a private party responsiblefor key roles, e.g. design, build, operate and maintain.
THB 50 billion (USD1,596 million) (Closed) Project Finance Deal of the Year,
Asian Legal Business SEAsia Law Awards, 2018 Representationof Eastern
Bangkok Monorail Company Limited in relation to the PPPagreement for Bangkok’s Yellow
Line monorail in a public-privatepartnership with the Mass Rapid Transit Authority (MRTA) of
Thailand. The jointventure comprises BTS Group Holdings, Sino-Thai Engineering &
ConstructionPublic Company Limited and Ratchaburi Electricity Generating Holding PublicCompany
Limited. THB 53 billion. (USD 1,692 million) (Closed) Project Finance Deal of the Year,
Asian Legal Business SE Asia LawAwards, 2018 Representationof CAT
Telecom Public Company Limited in relation to undertaking apublic-private partnership
(concession) project for Digital Park Thailand, anew business community and digital ecosystem with a
vibrant mix of office,residential, and lifestyle uses creating a new data hub. As Thailand’s
firstdigital hub, this project plays an important role in the S-curve development ofthe country’s
economy. THB 10 billion (USD 300 million) Engaged by the Port
Authority of Thailand to adviseon 14 public private partnership projects in
2018-2020. Engaged by the Port
Authority of Thailand in thereview, analysis and recommendations on the rights and obligations
of the stateparty under public-private partnership contracts for six port projects,including a
report on issues in relation to state benefits and standardizationof PPP contracts as outlined in
State Enterprise Policy Office (SEPO)guidelines (2016). Engaged bythe Department
of Highways as an advisor in relation to the BangYai – Kanchanaburi Intercity Motorway
(M81). This deal is one of the first two projects in thegovernment’s “Master Plan of Intercity
Motorways” projected to be carried outthroughout the years 2017 – 2036, comprising 21 highway routes
connectingnumerous provinces across Thailand. The firm’s work is focused on drafting,revising and
advising the DOH on its various project agreements and negotiatingon behalf of the DOH with the
private entities, as well as assisting the DOH inthe drafting of all of the bidding documents, e.g.
request for proposals. Thefirm will also assist in conducting and analyzing the results of
marketsounding. (2018) Engaged bythe Department
of Highways as an advisor in relation to the BangPa-in – Nakhon Ratchasima Intercity
Motorway (M6) PPP project. This deal is one of the first twoprojects in the government’s “Master
Plan of Intercity Motorways” projected tobe carried out throughout the years 2017 – 2036, comprising
21 highway routesconnecting numerous provinces across Thailand. The firm’s work is focused
ondrafting, revising, and advising the DOH on its various project agreements andnegotiating on
behalf of the DOH with the private entities. The firm hasassisted the DOH in drafting all bidding
documents, e.g. request for proposals.The firm will also assist the DOH in conducting and analyzing
the results ofmarket sounding. (2018) Engaged bythe Department
of Highways as an advisor in relation to the Rangsit– Bang Pa-in Intercity Motorway. The
firm’s work is focused on drafting, revising, andadvising the DOH on its various project agreements
and negotiating on behalf ofthe DOH with the private entities. The firm has assisted the DOH in
draftingall bidding documents. (2018) Representation of Icon
Siam Company Limitedin connection with the Gold Line Mass Transit Systemproject (Charoen
Nakhon Road station-Khlong San District Office-Prajadhipok) toprovide legal services in
relation tothe projects governed under the Act B.E. 2556 (2013), including drafting thejoint venture
agreement and advertising contract amendments for the Yellow LineMass Transit Project, Phase
1. Representation of Bangkok
Mass Transit System PublicCompany Limited on the renewal of the concession contract for the
GreenMass Transit Line, as well as the related PPP regulations under Clause 44of the
Constitution of Thailand. The Green Line is the first and the main skytrain line passing through all
central business districts of Bangkok. Thisrenewal contract includes both the main line and the
extensions, with a totaldistance of 60 km. (2019-2020). THB 300 billion(USD 9.8
billion) Engineering Procurement and Construction, Operation and Maintenance and
Engineering and Manufacturing Contracts Representationof the Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company
Limited (BTSC)in relation to public procurement and engineering, procurement and
constructionagreements for the extension of the mass transit Green Line(North-South) from
Bearing to Samutprakan and Mo Chit to Kukot. The Green Lineis the first, largest and most important
mass transit in Thailand since itsroute covers the centre of Bangkok and central business district
areas. THB52.97 billion (USD 1.6 billion) (Closed) Representation of BTS
Group Holding Public CompanyLimited in connection with a BSR joint venture transaction with
Thailand’sMass Rapid Transit Authority (MRTA) for the construction of Bangkok’s PinkLine
(Khae Rai - Min Buri). The line will span 34.5 km from KhaiRai to Minburi. The transaction is valued
at THB 53,519.50 million. Representation of BTS
Group Holding Public CompanyLimited in connection with a BSR joint venture transaction with
Thailand’sMass Rapid Transit Authority (MRTA) for the construction of Bangkok’s YellowLine
(Ladprao - Samrong). The line will span 30.4 km. fromLadprao to Samrong. The transaction is valued
at THB 51,937.15 million. Capital
Markets Representation of Asset
World Public Company Limited (AWC)in the corporate restructuring and offering of shares
under Securities andExchange Commission regulations, international offering under Regulation S ofthe
US Securities Act and listing of its shares on the Stock Exchange ofThailand (IPO). With a total
market capitalization value at IPO price of THB 185,742million (USD 6.2 billion), this is the largest
listedcompany in the history of the Stock Exchange of Thailand to date. Raised fundswill be used to
expand the company’s hotel and other commercial propertyprojects. The first day of trading was 10October 2019. Representation of Krung
Thai Asset Management PublicCompany Limited (KTAM), the fund manager, in the asset sales
of ThaiCommercial Investment Freehold and Leasehold Fund (TCIF), Thai Hotel InvestmentFreehold and
Leasehold Property Fund (THIF) and Thai Retail Investment Fund(TRIF) to the group companies of Asset
World Company Limited and assisted onthe delisting and dissolution process of these funds. The value
of the assetssold was approximately THB 125.58 billion (approximately USD 3.77 billion),
includingBangkok landmarks such as The Okura Prestige, Athénée and Empire Tower. Thefunds, which
were delisted on 18 July 2017, consisted of a tender offer of theinvestment units, an innovative
approach for unitholders. Representationof Prananporn Co., Ltd. in the acquisition of newly
issued shares inThe One Enterprise Co., Ltd. (“The One Enterprise”), resulting
inPrananporn Co., Ltd. holding 50% of the total shares in The OneEnterprise. The One Enterprise
is the parent company of (i) GMM One TV Co.,Ltd. (a digital TV company), (ii) Act Studio
Co., Ltd. and (ii) ExactScenario Co., Ltd. The deal closed in May 2017 and was valued at THB
1,905million (31 May 2017). Corporate, Mergers and
Acquisitions Representation of BAFS Clean EnergyCorporation Company Limited (“BC”), a
subsidiary of Bangkok Aviation FuelServices Public Company Limited (BAFS) in the acquisition of ATC
Enviro Co.,Ltd. (“ATCE”), PDI Mae Ramat Co., Ltd. (“PDIMR”) and P.P. Solar (Nong-No) Co.,Ltd.
(“PPS”) from PDI Energy Company Limited, a subsidiary of Padaeng IndustryPublic Company Limited.
This transaction was the first steppingstone for BC todiversify its portfolio into renewable energy
business by acquiring 7 solarfarms located in Tak, Khon Kaen and Samut Sakhon provinces with the
combinedcapacity of 36.4 megawatts, operated by ATCE, PDIMR and PPS. The transactionvalued at THB
1,704 million and was closed on 1 March 2021. Representation of Thai
Beverage Public Company Limited(Thai Bev) (SGX-ST) in the USD 4.83 billion acquisition of 53.59%
of SaigonBeer Alcohol and Beverage Joint Stock Corporation (SABECO) by Vietnam BeverageCompany
Limited, an associated company of Thai Bev, from the Vietnam Ministryof Industry and Trade. Sabeco
is a public corporation in the Socialist Republicof Vietnam. Shares are listed on the Ho Chi Minh
City Stock Exchange. This isthe highest value privatization in Vietnam and the highest value
acquisition inVietnam to date. The deal will enable the Thai Bev Group to expand in theregion,
increase product offerings, and provide access to an extensivedistribution network. Deal of the
Year, Asian-menaCounsel, 2017 Representation of Thai
Beverage Public Company Limited(Thai Bev), one of Asia's largest beverage producers, on
the USD 726.6million acquisition by Internal Beverage Holdings (Singapore) Pte. Limited,
itssubsidiary, of 75% of the ownership interests in Myanmar Distillery Co., Ltd.(MDC) and Myanmar
Supply Chain and Marketing Services Co., Ltd. (MSC), togetherwith International Beverages Trading
Company Limited (collectively, the MDC Group). MDCGroup is Myanmar’s leading manufacturer, marketer
and distributor of distilledbeverages, including Grand Royal, the country’s leading whisky, and
otherbrands. The acquisition provides Thai Bev with access to an expanding marketand distribution
network. The deal closed on 12 October 2017. Deal of the Year, Asian-mena Counsel and
Myanmar Deal of the Year, FinanceAsia Representation of Dusit
Thani Public Company Limited,one of Thailand’s foremost hotel and property development
companies, in a jointventure with Central Pattana Public Company Limited for the development of
alarge-scale, mixed-use real estate project with an estimated value of THB 36.7billion
(approximately USD 1.05 billion) in the central business district ofBangkok. Weerawong C&P also
assisted in the negotiation to extend the leaseagreement with the Crown Property Bureau for 30+30
years for an additional plotof 24 rai at the intersection of Silom Road and Rama 4. The deal closed
on 28June 2017. Representation of Berli
JuckerPublic Company Limited (BJC) in its acquisition of a controllingstake (58.56%) of
Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited (Big C) from GeantInternational BV in March 2016, a
subsidiary of Groupe Casino, and anadditional stake (39.38%) in a tender offer in May 2016. The
total acquisitionprice was THB 204.3 billion. Deal of the Year 2016,
Finance Representation of a
syndicate of lenders, namely SiamCommercial Bank Plc., Bangkok Bank Plc., KASIKORN
Plc. and KrungThai Bank Plc. regarding the establishment of a long-term financingfacility
for True Company Limited (formerly TA Orange Company Limited). Dealvalue: USD 222 million. Restructuring and Insolvency Representation of Thai
AirAsia X, the low fare longhaul carrier, through its successful rehabilitation process. In
August 2023,the Central Bankruptcy Court issued an order for approval of the USD 1.7billion
(approximately THB 62 billion) business rehabilitation plan to revampthe company’s administration
process and restructure its debts, deliveringgreater efficiencies and a solid platform for future
growth. Representation of the major
creditors of Sahaviriya SteelIndustries Public Company Limited, Southeast Asia’s largest
flat-steelmanufacturing complex, comprising Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited,Krung Thai
Bank Public Company Limited, and TISCO Bank Public Company Limitedas well as SSI TH in the
THB 60 billion rehabilitation. Representation of Triple T
Broadband Public Company Limitedin connection with the rehabilitation of TT&T Public Company
Limited.TT&T has over USD 2 billion debt owed to offshore and onshore creditors,plus a USD 160
million claim by TOT, the government-owned entity that grantedthe fixed-line telephone concession to
TT&T. The firm handles negotiationswith TT&T creditors to maintain Jasmine International
Public CompanyLimited (TT&T is a subsidiary of Jasmine International Group) on theTT&T
Board, and ensure the long-term financial viability of TT&T. Wecontinue to represent TT&T at
the Supreme Court level. Value: USD 2billion. Dispute
Resolution Advised and represented a
major renewable energy company inarbitration proceedings under the ICC Arbitration Rules in relation
to claimsarising out of share purchase agreements, agricultural land leases andpermissions to use
agricultural land. 2018-present Speaking
Engagements Presentedseminars for
officials of the Government of Thailand, State EnterprisePolicy Office (SEPO),
Ministry of Finance for officials andstate agencies on secondary and subordinate legislation in
accordance with thePrivate Investment in State Undertaking Act. Entrustedby the Government
of Thailand, State Enterprise Policy Office (SEPO),Ministry of Finance in provided
seminars for officials of the relevantstate agencies in 2017, e.g. strategic plans to encourage
private investors toparticipate in infrastructure projects in 2015-2025, the secondary
andsubordinate legislation in accordance with the Private Investment in StateUndertaking Act B.E.
2556. Guest lecturer at national
law schools (Chulalongkorn University andThammasat University schools of law) re: public private
partnerships and theregulations related to government agencies and state-owned
enterprise. Publications ‘Thailand,
Chambers Global Practice Guide – InternationalArbitration 2023, Chambersand Partners,
2023 ‘Thailand’, The
Public-Private Partnership LawReview’, The Law Reviews, Law Business Research,
2016-2022 ‘Procuring
Infrastructure Public-PrivatePartnerships in Thailand’, World Bank Group, 2018
EducationOutstanding Alumnus, Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2013
LL.M., University of Pennsylvania, United States, 1992
LL.B., Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 1979 Bar AdmissionsNew York State Bar Association, 1992
(First Thai Lawyer to be admitted)
Thai Bar Association, 1981 CitizenshipThai LanguagesThai, English Recent AccoladesHall of Fame – Corporate and M&A, The Legal 500, 2020-2025
Hall of Fame – Restructuring & Insolvency, The Legal 500, 2020-2025
Senior Statesman, Corporate/M&A, Asialaw, 2021-2024
Senior Statesman, Corporate/M&A, Chambers and Partners, 2013-2024
Senior Statesman, Capital Markets, Chambers and Partners, 2024
Market Leader, Mergers & Acquisitions, IFLR1000, 2018-2024
Market Leader, Banking and Finance, IFLR1000, 2018-2023
Thailand’s Top 100 Lawyers, Asia Business Law Journal, 2018-2023
Recommended Lawyer, Banking and Finance, The Legal 500, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2021-2024
Recommended Lawyer, Projects and Energy, The Legal 500, 2014, 2017-2024
IFLR Asia Best Lawyers – Mergers & Acquisitions, 2019-2022
IFLR Asia Best Lawyers – Banking and Finance, 2019-2022
Notable Practitioner – Project and Energy, Chambers and Partners, 2020
Leading Lawyer, Capital Markets, Asialaw, 2014-2019
Leading Lawyer, Capital Markets, The Legal 500, 2014-2018
Highly Recommended, Banking & Finance, PLC Which Lawyer, 2010
Leading Banking Lawyer, Expert Guides, 2009 |